Alamanda Taxis & Tours Ltd - Fiji
Alamanda Taxis & Tours Ltd
1.01 Review
Company name
Alamanda Taxis & Tours Ltd
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Alamanda Taxis & Tours Ltd345 0330
Terrible transportation company. I have all paid before our trip, our first trip was in a van for 12 but they couldn't fit our luggage. They have to bring another car to put the rest but the car was in a terrible condition, not at all safety. They also decided to take a longer road without any explanation. On our way back I called the day before to confirm the pick time at ten. We have to wait for 1 hour and a half because they had a 'flat tire'. I told the driver that it took him too long to change a tire and he respond that he was told to arrive at 10:45. Too many faults, the lady on the phone is a despicable person.
I would never recommend this company again
I would never recommend this company again
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