Colonial War Memorial Hospital - Suva, Fiji
Colonial War Memorial Hospital
1 Review
Colonial War Memorial HospitalWaimanu Rd+679 331 3444
Colonial War Memorial HospitalWaimanu Rd+679 331 3444
Excellent Service
Excellent service by doctors on duty. Well professional doctors who help their level best as triedless become the flow of sick people are increasing that its hard for doctors to co opate up. ED needs more doctors. Secondly people goes to hospital because they are sick and need help but unfortunately when there are admitted some of the wards eg Pysco installation there is no air conditioner working and as well fans.This ward is most hottest ward will bright sunshine as well its not hyendic at all. I believe hospital needs lot of financial support to do improvement of its environment for sick patients. Why we have to Oceanic hospital for blood test when we at Cwm hospital and its only possible for people with money can afford . Hospital needs more beds as its lack of beds. Need lot of improvement but I salute to doctors and nurses for doing their best God give strength to them always .
Request publice to support our hospital with things which doctors needs eg wheelchair, etc.
I very much appreciate for your great service. Let's join hands and help our hospital that save many life. Thanks once again .
Request publice to support our hospital with things which doctors needs eg wheelchair, etc.
I very much appreciate for your great service. Let's join hands and help our hospital that save many life. Thanks once again .
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