Greymouse Fiji - Suva
Digital solutions tailored for Fijian businesses.
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Company name
Greymouse Fiji
10 Stewart St, Suva, Fiji
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Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Greymouse is a Virtual Human Resource provider founded by Australian entrepreneurs Kelvin Davis and Marisa Wiman in 2005. Greymouse has since then consistently provided businesses with high quality, time-sensitive and cost effective services through off-shoring facilities based in Suva, Fiji Islands, Legazpi City, Philippines, and Indore India.
Way back in 2002, the word ‘outsourcing’ was considered a jargon for a non-existent industry. It was Kelvin and Marisa who started to explore the possibility of starting a company built around Internet connectivity. More than a decade later, Greymouse’s journey as one of the top virtual workforce provider in the world was ambitious, but with purpose and determination as the key in conquering boundaries, the virtual workforce was able to
Greymouse works at a socially-conscious level. We are more than just a business. Our purpose is to alleviate poverty through transformational employment. We make this possible by taking a proactive role in the personal and professional development of our team members and honing their skills in line with global standards.
Way back in 2002, the word ‘outsourcing’ was considered a jargon for a non-existent industry. It was Kelvin and Marisa who started to explore the possibility of starting a company built around Internet connectivity. More than a decade later, Greymouse’s journey as one of the top virtual workforce provider in the world was ambitious, but with purpose and determination as the key in conquering boundaries, the virtual workforce was able to
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deliver their services to the clients wherever they are at the speed of Google.Greymouse works at a socially-conscious level. We are more than just a business. Our purpose is to alleviate poverty through transformational employment. We make this possible by taking a proactive role in the personal and professional development of our team members and honing their skills in line with global standards.
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